Urs Heckmann, german developper of the famous mighty modular Zebra2 vsti, has just been releasing a pack of plugin called Uhbik, which features a more straight-forward feature set and focuses on sound quality with a very-well thought design. Samplestation managed to ask some questions to the busy (but keeping cool) man.
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Interview DeLaMancha pour Samplestation
Pour sa première interview de développeurs indépendants, SampleStation a choisi le prolifique et créatif DeLaMancha, auteur de nombreux plugins originaux et innovants tels que les effets DirtBox, Sumo, les synthés Basic64 et Styrofoam ou les drumsamplers Manic et Erratic (dont la version 2 vient tout juste de … Lire plus
Lire plus »Interview DeLaMancha pour Samplestation [ENG]
For our first indie music software developer’s interview, the SampleStation froggie team virtually crossed the sea to bring back some answers from the prolific Synthedit genius DeLaMancha.
His newly released Erratic2 drumsampler plugin showcases his evergrowing talent into gathering creativity and a lot of randomization features with a slick … Lire plus
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